built-in gamepad buttons, CD-ROM, Floppy Drive, and Sound Blaster-compatible sound card
The Tandon LT/286 laptop has a 3.5 1.44Mb disk drive with 20Mb hard drive. The 286 runs at 12MHz with an average access time of 28mS runs at 16MHz. The 286 has an EGA monochrome backlit LCD screen with 16 shades of grey, It has an RS-232-C serial port and an IBM compatible parallel port on the main board, plus a 16-bit slot with AT bus and RS-232-C signals. Options include 2Mb Memoria modules, external 5.25 disk drives, and Windows. The 286 was advertised at UK £2,500.
Processor. Intel 80286 (switchable between 6 MHz and 8 MHz).
RAM. 1 Mb.
ROM. Unknown (containing BIOS).
Operating system. MS-DOS 3.3.
Five expansion slots.
Monitor. Tandon yellow screen.
Drives. 5.25" floppy drive.
Two 30 Mb Personal Data Pac drives.
Expansion cards.
Tandon monochrome graphics card.
LANtastic network card.
Software installed (selection). LANtastic Server.
QVX viewdata editor.