Sony SMC 70

The SMC 70 was, like its successor, the SMC 70G designed for professional video applications. It was the first computer in the world to use 3.5 floppy disk, created a little earlier by Sony.
The graphic and character display screens are controlled separately, the screen can be changed instantly from character to graphics, and so forth. There are four display surfaces in the 160 x 100 mode.
Fun fact: This computer was briefly seen being used by the alien-human hybrid child Elisabeth in the V:The Final Battle miniseries.
Lenguajes BASIC interpreter
Teclado Full-stroke Teclado, 72 Teclas with editing and arrow Teclas
Velocidad 4.028
RAM 64
VRAM 32 KB + 2KB Character RAM
Modos de Texto 40 x 25
Modo gráfico 160 x 100 /
Coloresc 16 / 4 (640 x 200) / 640 x 400 (monochrom)
Sonido ? voices, 5 octaves
Puertos de entrada/salida RS 23C, Tape, Light Pen, Key Pad, Audio output, RGB Multi Out, B/W Multi Out, I/O Expansion connector, Centronics.
Almacenamiento interno 2 x optional 3.5 disk-drives
Fuente de alimentación Built-in Fuente de alimentación unit