Also sold using the following names:
PC 2000
PC 8300
Power 8300
BASIC 2000
BASIC 3000
This computer is based on ZX81 technology, it is not a direct clone but very close.
If ZX81 ROMs were installed this machine become very compatible.
Lambda 8300 en el Reino Unido y en Hong Kong
Power 3000 en Alemania
DEF 3000 en Francia
BASIC 2000 en los países escandinavos
BASIC 3000 en USA
PC 2000 en USA
PC 8300 en USA
IQ 8300 en USA
Futura 8300 en USA
Unisonic 8300, Marathon 32K, Tonel PC y Your Computer.
CPU Z80A / 3.5 MHz
Text modes: 24*32
Graphic modes: Same as the ZX81???
Sound: 1 channel, mono
Connectors: Tape, video monitor, TV, ZX81 compatible expansion slot, Joystick
Operating system: BASIC in ROM
Target audience: Home
Misc: Colour graphics were possible with an extra module.