video games gallery from the last century

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Atari 2000

Atari 2500

Atari 2600 JR BigRainbow


El viejo modelo se sustituyó en 1986 por la Atari 2600 Jr., acompañada de una fuerte campaña publicitaria.
Estéticamente es mucho más pequeña, aunque la funcionalidad sigue siendo la misma.

Salieron dos variantes de este modelo, uno con el arcoiris del logo central más ancho que el otro, llamándose coloquialmente BigRainbow y ShortRainbow

Atari 2600 JR BigRainbow World Most Popular


Atari 2600 JR Black


Esta variante de la Atari 2600 Jr es totalmente negra, sin la placa plateada, probablemente eliminada para reducir costes.
Se produjo en Irlanda y probablemente no se vendiera fuera de las islas británicas.
Incluye el juego Ms. Pac-man

Atari 2600 JR ShortRainbow


Atari 2600 Jr. con el arcoiris del logo pequeño.

Atari 2600 Promotional


Atari 2600 VCS


Este modelo, de 1978 y fabricada en HongKong, difiere un poco de la Sunnyvale.
El borde de la carcasa es más fino y al reducir internamente el aislamiento de RF se ve más brillante en pantalla.

Se vendía acompañada de 2 joysticks, 2 controles tipo paddle y el juego Combat desde 1977 hasta 1983, después, se comercializó con dos joysticks y con o sin cartucho de juegos dependiendo del pack.

Foot Craz fue la primera alfombrilla de baile para una consola.

En los ochenta contaba con el módem CVC Gameline, de 1200 baud, fabricado por Control Video Corporation que hacía posible la descarga de juegos por la línea telefónica a través de un servicio disponible en los Estados Unidos. El aparato carecía de almacenamiento, por lo que los juegos permanecían en la máquina sólo durante el tiempo en que estuviera encendida

Atari 2600 VCS-A


En el año 1980 aparece el modelo CX2600A, funcionalmente idéntica a la CX2600, pero dos de los 6 botones principales se han reducido de tamaño y se colocaron en la parte superior trasera de la máquina.
Sigue incluyendo dos joysticks y el juego Combat.

Atari 2600A Darth Vader Model


Este modelo de 1982 es el primero en utilizar el nombre Atari 2600, facilitando que se pueda diferenciar de la recién aparecida Atari 5200 Super System.

Similar a la CX2600A, se sustituyo el color madera por el negro, siendo el frontal muy brillante. Esto le da un aspecto que recuerda a Darth Vader, mote con el que se la conoce.

Incluye dos joysticks y dos juegos, Combat y Pac-man.

Atari 2700

Atari 2800


En octubre de 1983 Atari trató de introducirse en el mercado japones con la Atari 2800.
Aunque otras empresas como Epoch, ya distribuían la 2600 en Japón, esta fué la primera máquina de Atari diseñada específicamente para este mercado.
Diseñada por el ingeniero Joe Tilly, bajo el nombre en clave Cindy, en lugar de los dos puertos para joystick de la 2600, esta dispone de cuatro puertos.

El estilo de la máquina sirvió de base a Barney Huang para la Atari 7800.
Los mandos, diseñados por John Amber, son una especie de todo en uno, incluyen paddle de 270 grados, dos botones y joystick digital de 8 direcciones.

Tuvo poco éxito y llegaron a fabricarse muy pocas unidades, debido en gran medida al dominio absoluto de la Famicom, distribuida desde unos meses antes.

Salvo en el nombre que aparece en la chapa metálica, este modelo es similar a la Sears Video Arcade II, vendida en USA por esta cadena de tiendas (que ya comercializaba su propia versión de la 2600), además incluía el juego Space Invaders. Al parecer la máquina impresionó tanto a Sears, que la presentación comercial de Atari fué una de las más cortas de la historia.

Para la 2800 salieron unos 30 juegos con la caja exterior especialmente etiquetada en perfecto japones, aún así el cartucho mantenía el etiquetado original.

Atari Game Brain C-700


The Atari Game Brain (Model C-700) is an unreleased dedicated home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978.
It plays 10 particular games, ported from all of Ataris previously released dedicated consoles, such as Pong, Stunt Cycle, and Video Pinball.
Its controllers were built onto the system, with 4 directional buttons, a paddle, and a fire button. Games are inserted in the top of the system by opening a door that also bears a small instruction booklet.

The system was not intended as a big seller for Atari but rather as a clearance of CPUs from unsold dedicated consoles.
By the time the Game Brain was finished, dedicated consoles were becoming obsolete against consoles with removable ROM cartridges, such as the already released Fairchild Channel F, the RCA Studio 2, and Ataris own Atari 2600.
Atari cancelled the Game Brain around 1978.
Three Atari Game Brain consoles and five prototype cartridges are known to exist.

Atari Mind Link

The Atari Mindlink is an unreleased video game controller for the Atari 2600, originally intended for release in 1984.
The Mindlink was unique in that its headband form factor controls the game by reading the myoneural signal voltage from the players forehead.
The players forehead movements are read by infrared sensors and transferred as movement in the game.


Atari VCS - CX2600 Sunnyvale Edition


La Atari 2600 es una videoconsola lanzada al mercado en octubre de 1977 bajo el nombre de Atari VCS (Video Computer System), convirtiéndose en la primera en tener éxito y la tercera que utilizaba cartuchos intercambiables.

En 1982, tras el lanzamiento de la Atari 5200, adoptó su nombre final basado en el número de catálogo que la identificaba (CX2600). Esta consola fue un gran éxito y logró que durante los años 1980 Atari fuese sinónimo de videojuegos.

El modelo original de la Atari Video Computer System es de 1977, y fue producido durante un año, de ahí que sea bastante dificil de encontrar.
Se le conoce como Heavy Sixer, por tener seis interruptores y un aislamiento interno bastante pesado.

Se fabricaron en Sunnyvale, California, como se indica en la etiqueta inferior, que además incluye un número de serie que coincide con el que aparece en la caja externa.

El 1 de enero de 1992 se finalizó la producción de la Atari 2600, tras 14 años en el mercado (casi tres veces la vida media del resto de consolas).

La Atari 2600 ha estado oficialmente en el mercado durante 14 años

Software Integrado None
Mandos 2 joysticks with one fire button each
CPU 6507
Velocidad 1.19 MHz
RAM 128 bytes
ROM 4 KB max.
Modo gráfico 160 x 192
Colores 128 Colores (16 Colores with 8 intensity levels each)
Sonido 2 mono channels
Puertos de entrada/salida Two Controlador connectors, Alimentacion in, RF TV output
Almacenamiento Cartridges
Fuente de alimentación External Fuente de alimentación unit. 9VDC 500mA - -(o- +uP 8120

Atari Video Music

Bachelor Party

In this game, the user controls a paddle of some kind (supposedly a bottle of Spanish fly), which sends a naked man into a room full of naked women, which he must run into in order to clear the board. As the game advances, the little naked dude starts bouncing around faster and faster, making the game more difficult. I cant imagine the game being more fun than two or three rounds.

Bachelor Party - Gigolo

Bachelorette Party - Burning Desire

Its the same exact thing as Bachelor Party, but you paddle a naked woman into a room full of naked men. This games development was an important milestone for female equality in video games. Why should horrible games only be geared towards men?

Beat Em Eat Em - Lady In Wading

Ugh. One of the most notorious pornographic games of the Atari era, this game is less funny or silly than it is just gross.
Perhaps you can tell the basic premise from the above image.

Cat Trax Six Pack

Coleco Kid Vid Voice Module

Este accesorio de Coleco para la Atari 2600, Kid Vid Voice Module, se conecta a la segunda toma de joystick y permite a los juegos controlar la reproducción de las cintas de cassette en sincronía con las acciones del juego.

Solo se crearon dos juegos compatibles: Kid Vid: Smurfs Save The Day (incluido en el Kid Vid) y Berenstain Bears (vendido aparte).

Otro invento de Ralph Baer


Custers Revenge

Another notorious game of the era. In Custers Revenge, the player takes on the role of General George Custer as he dodges arrows (or perhaps bullets? Theyre a bunch of flying black lines) in order to have sex with a naked Native American woman. Many critics have derided the game as portraying rape, though the games designer emphatically defended the blocky union as mutual.

Gameline Master Module

módem que permitía utilizar un servicio de una compañía llamada Control Video Corporation, en el que se pagaba una cuota incial de $15 -a parte del coste del aparato- y luego 10 centavos por cada juego… salvo el día de tu cumpleaños, en el que se podía jugar completamente gratis


This memory-style game is the story of a woman who goes out on the town to find seven different men (er, gigalos) to score with while avoiding police and muggers. Ladies can relate to this one, right? It was a gender-switched version of a game with a male protagonist known as Cathouse Blues.

Jungle Fever - Knight On The Town

Lady In Wading

In this game, you are a buxom woman trying to cross a river fraught with demons and alligators trying to make your way to a naked prince at the other end. Its the gender-switched version of a game called Knight on the Town.

Personal Game Programmer

Philly Flasher - Cathouse Blues

This gender-switched version of Beat Em has nothing to do with the city of brotherly love as far as I can tell. Rather, it focuses on the bodily secretions emanating from a naked Halloween witch to some naked men below. Equally gross and just as dumb.


Based on the beloved teen sex romp, this 1983 video game adaptation from Fox Video Games was a cross between Donkey Kong and Frogger, but with the occasional showering naked lady.

Rom Scanner


Starpath Supercharger

cartucho especial proporcionaba 6KB de memoria RAM, y con un cable de audio se podía conectar a cualquier unidad de cassette para cargar juegos que venían en este formato.

Starpath sólo sacó una docena de títulos en cinta, pero lo bueno es que se puede modificar el aparato para cargar fácilmente programas caseros en la consola.

Starplex Game Selex

Video Game Brain



No, this lame Pac-Man rip-off has nothing to do with Wolverine. In this game created by Universal Gamex, the player takes on the avatar of a naked man making his way through a maze while trying to avoid flying scissors (which presumably, would render you an ex-man, get it?). If you make it to the end of the maze, you are awarded with a badly rendered pornographic act. Congrats to you!

Adventure Easter Egg

Move a dot down a corridor and your character–really just a colored square–will be able to enter a room, in which you see the words, Created by Warren Robinett.

Atari 2600 Parker Brothers Kiosk

Atari 2600 plus


Atari has announced it’s relaunching its most well-known console as the Atari 2600 Plus on November 17th for $129.99, with preorders open now.
It’s a fully functioning, 80 percent scale, HDMI-outputting version of the console that comes with a 10-in-1 game cartridge.
Atari says it even supports both 2600 and later 7800 game cartridges and will work with the original joystick and paddle controllers.

Atari 3200

Atari started work on a 2600 successor called the Atari 3200.
It was to be compatible with 2600 cartridges, and was rumored to be based on a 10-bit processor, although design documents show it was to be based on the 8-bit 6502.
It was unfinished when preliminary game developers discovered that it was difficult to program. Atari cloned the Atari 3200 into the Sears Super Arcade II, but this was never released

Atari Video Computer System Kiosk

Atari Video Game Selection Center Kiosk


Call Of Duty Blackops II Nuketown Atari Easter Egg

Call Of Duty II Nuketown

So you’re playing the Nuketown 2025 map and you’re all, I should shoot all the heads off these mannequins within 90 seconds, right? Good idea! Head to that big TV screen in the middle of the map and play some old-school Atari 2600 Activision games.

Family Playing Atari 1982 Real

Family Playing Atari 2600

Family Playing Atari 2600 Black

Family Playing Atari 2600A Darth Vader Model

Family Playing Atari 2800

Family Playing Atari Library

Family Playing Atari Mirror 1981 Real

Family Playing Atari Missile Combat

Family Playing Atari Pele

Family Playing Atari Real

Family Playing Atari Remote Control

Family Playing Atari Stan Lee

Family Playing Atari VCS

Kee Games 2600

Kee was headed by Joe Keenan, a long-time friend of Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell. Keenan managed to hire several defectors from Atari, and began advertising itself as a competitor. In reality, Kee Games was a wholly owned subsidiary of Atari, created in response to the pinball and arcade distributors of the time who demanded exclusivity deals. Kee Games released several clones of Atari games, allowing Atari to exclusively sell games to two distributors at once.

In December 1974, the relationship to Atari was discovered by the public. However, Kees Tank game had been so successful that the distributors wanted to buy the game even without an exclusivity agreement. At the same time, Atari was having financial and management problems, while Joe Keenan had been very successful managing Kee Games. The two companies merged, with Keenan promoted to president of Atari running the business side of things, and Bushnell focusing on engineering. Atari continued to use the Kee Games label to release some of their games until 1978, but from the merger on, the games were clearly labelled a wholly owned subsidiary of Atari, Inc.

 Elimination (October 1973) — cloned by Ataris Quadrapong
Spike (March 1974) — a clone of Ataris Rebound, with an extra button labeled spike
Formula K (April 1974) — a clone of Ataris Gran Trak 10
Twin Racer (July 1974) — a clone of Ataris Gran Trak 20
Tank (November 1974) — an original game that became very popular
Pursuit (January 1975)
Indy 800 (April 1975)
Tank II (May 1975) — the first game sold under the Kee label with the Atari disclosure
Quiz Show (April 1976)
Tank 8 (April 1976)
Indy 4 (May 1976)
Sprint 2 (November 1976)
Drag Race (June 1977)
Super Bug (September 1977)
Sprint 1 (January 1978)
Ultra Tank (February 1978)uP 8120

PointMaster Fire Control

Warren Robinet

Easter Egg

Copy Cart

Device Backup


Device Backup


Device Backup

el Amiga Joyboard. Fabricado por la misma compañía que luego creó el mítico Amiga 1000, servía para controlar con los pies tres juegos lanzados por ellos mismos: “Mogul Maniac“, “Off Your Rocker” y “Surf’s Up“.

Unimex Duplicator SD280

Device Backup

Vidco Copy Cart

Device Backup


Harmony Cartridge

Flash Cartridge

Repro Cart Home Vision

Flash Cartridge

2600 Standard Joystick


Atari Remote Control Wireless Joysticks


Atari 2600 plus Control


Atari Space Age Joystick


Atari Standard Joystick CX10


Atari Standard Joystick CX40


Atari Standard Joystick CX40 XE


Atari Keypad


Atari Kids Controller


cassette que se conectaba por el puerto del joystick, y que era manejado para reproducir fragmentos de voz. Desgraciadamente, sólo fue utilizado por dos juegos: “Berenstain Bears” y “The Smurfs Save the Day“

Sosecal Compu Game


Spectravideo Compumate


Atari Controle Reostato


Atari Driving Paddle


Atari Heavy Sixer Paddle


Atari Paddle


MB Cosmic Commander

Rare Controller

Packaged with the game Survival Run

MB Flight Commander

Rare Controller

Steven Game Console

Rare Controller

Track Field Controller

Rare Controller

Atari Video Touch Pad
