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Toshiba HX20 Pasopia IQ


Alguos modelos de MSX tenían etiquetado Pasopia IQ en la carcasa.

 Lenguajes Microsoft Extended Basic (MSX Basic V1.0)
Teclado QWERTY mechanical Teclado with 4 function Teclas, and arrow Teclas.
Velocidad 3,6 Mhz
Co-procesador Video Pantalla Processor TMS 9929A
RAM 64 kb
VRAM 16 kb
ROM 32 kb
Modos de Texto Mode 0 : 40 x 24
Mode 1 : 32 x 24
Modo gráfico Mode 2 : 256 x 192 with 16 Colores (Hires mode)
Mode 3 : 64 x 48 with 16 Colores (Multi colour mode)
32 sprites
Colores 16
Sonido General Instruments AY-3-8910 Programmable Sonido Generator
3 channels, 8 octaves
Tamaño/Peso 370 x 245 x 60 mm / 2,8 kg
Puertos de entrada/salida 2 joystick sockets, 2 cardridge slots, Tape-recorder connector (1200/2400 bauds), Composite video output, Centronics interface, RF video output, Expansion bus, Stereo audio output
HX-21 : RGB analog video output
Fuente de alimentación Fuente de alimentación built-in
uP 7945

Toshiba HX34 Pasopia


Un equipo MSX2 también apellidado Pasopia IQ

Toshiba Libretto 100CT


The Libretto is a line of subnotebook computers designed and produced by Toshiba. The line was distinguished by its combination of functionality and small size, squeezing a full Windows PC into a device the size of a paperback book. The first Libretto model, the Libretto 20, was released on April 17, 1996 (in Japan only), with a volume of 821 cm3 (50.1 cu in) and weighing just 840 g (30 oz), making it by far, the worlds smallest commercially available Windows PC at the time, and a trend the Libretto Range continued for many years. The original Libretto line was discontinued in Europe and the U.S. in 1999, but the production continued in Japan with the SS, FF and then the L series until 2002. The first L series Libretto (The L1) was released on 18 May 2001 (in Japan only) and the last (The L5) just 11 Months later on 24 April 2002. Production of all Librettos ceased from 2002 until the release of the Libretto U100 in 2005.

It was a further five years before the Libretto returned again in 2010 with the limited-edition dual touch screen tablet W100 model.

 Intel Pentium 166 MHz MMX
32 MB RAM (64 MB max.)
2.1 GB hard disk, 7.1 TFT display

Toshiba Libretto 110CT


 Intel Pentium MMX mit 166 Mhz
32 MB RAM (erweiterbar auf 64 MB)
2x PCMCIA/Cardbus (32bit-fähig, also kein Problem USB und WLAN zu nutzen!)
7.1″ Display mit 800×480 Pixel
Infrarot und Yamaha-Soundkarte
2.1 GB Festplatte
Docking-Station mit VGA, RS232, LPT und PS/2

Toshiba Pasopia


Bajo el nombre Pasopia, Toshiba fabricó varios ordenadores personales de 8 bits, un pocket PC, algunos MSX y otros compatibles PC

PASOPIA PA7010-PA7012 1982/01 Z80A monocromo
PASOPIA MINI 1982 Z80A pocket PC
PASOPIA 16 PA7020 1983/04 Z80A
PASOPIA 7 PA7007 1983/08 Z80A
PASOPIA 5 PA7005 1984/05 Z80A menores prestaciones que el 7
PASOPIA 700 Z80A menores prestaciones que el 7
PASOPIA 1600 PA7030A-B-C 1984/05 8088

El primer ordenador personal de Toshiba, muy potente para su época.

 Lenguajes Model PA7010 : T-BASIC
Model PA7012 : OA-BASIC
Teclado Full-stroke Teclado, JIS standard, 90 Teclas, separated numeric keypad, 8 function Teclas (16 Funciones)
Velocidad 4 Mhz
RAM 64 kb
VRAM 16 kb
ROM 32 kb
Modos de Texto 80 x 20, 80 x 25, 36 x 24, 36 x 19
Modo gráfico 160 x 100, 640 x 200
Colores 8 (black, blue, red, purple, green, cyan, yellow and white)
Sonido 3 octaves (speaker built-in)
Tamaño/Peso 420 x 253 x 99.5 mm
Puertos de entrada/salida Video out, Tape interface (1600 baud), RS232c, Parallel connector, Expansion bus
Fuente de alimentación AC100V +- 10%, 50 / 60Hz
Perifericos Disk-drives, RAM expansions, printers
Precio 163 000 yens (September 81, Japan)uP 7945

Toshiba Pasopia 16


Compatible IBM PC

 Lenguajes GW Basic
Teclado 103 key full-stroke Teclado (QWERTY/AZERTY)
CPU Intel 8088
Velocidad 4.77 MHz
Co-procesador Optional 8087 arithmetic processor
RAM 192 KB (up to 256 KB onboard)
Modos de Texto 40 x 25 / 80 x 25
Modo gráfico 320x200, 640x200, 540x400, 640x500
Colores 8
Puertos de entrada/salida 7 x 8-bit Slots de expansión, Centronics/Parallel port, RS232c port (from 300 to 9600 bauds), RGB output (SCART for PAP model)
Almacenamiento interno One or two 5.25 disk-drives (720 KB)
Optional 10 MB hard-disk
OS MS-DOS, CP/M 86 in option
Fuente de alimentación Built-in PSU
Perifericos Additional disk-drive, 10 MB hard-disk
Precio 1 disk-drive model : 22119 FF (France, Dec. 83)
Monochrome & 1 disk-drive model : 2824 (France, april 85)
3372 (France, 84)uP 8313

Toshiba Pasopia 7


Sucesor del Toshiba Pasopia.
Lo interesante de este modelo es que dispone de carcasas de colores intercambiables (azul, rojo, negro).

 Lenguajes T-Basic 7
Teclado Full-stroke Teclado, JIS standard, separated numeric keypad and function Teclas
CPU Zilog Z80A
Velocidad 4 Mhz
RAM 64 kb
VRAM 56 kb
ROM 48 kb (32 kb Basic + 16 kb Bios)
Modos de Texto 40 x 25 / 80 x 25
Modo gráfico 320 x 200 / 640 x 200
Colores 27
Sonido 2 voices, 6 octaves
OS CP/M optional
Perifericos 5 disk-drive, Chinese characters ROM, RS232 Interface, Memoria upgrade, printer
Precio 119 800 yens (1983, Japan)
uP 7945

Toshiba Pasopia Mini IHC-8000


Toshiba IHC-8000
un pocket pc con bastantes posibilidades de expansión

 RAM (total):
4 / 16 Kb (0 or 1 Memoria card of 12 Kb)
RAM available:
3.068 / 15.356 bytes
20 Kb ?
8 bits CMOS
Text screen:
1 line of 24 characters
Graphic screen:
Yes (one shoot or continuous)
195 x 88 x 25 mm
365 g. with Pilas
3 AA alkaline Pilas
Memoria: IHM-200 12 Kb
Printer: IHP-500 Thermal Tecnología
Almacenamiento: IHP-500 External tape interface
I/O: IHV-500 Video interface

Toshiba Satellite 210CS


año ¿?

  The Satellite 210CS comes in these configurations with a fixed retail price range. This configuration Toshiba provided was complete with a Intel Pentium n/a n/a PC Card (PCMCIA) 4.3GB Ultra DMA, 2.5 Windows 95, expandable to 8MB (via SO-DIMM socket) S3 ViRGE MX (86C260) graphics controller 2 MB 2 MB

The Laptop memory add up to 40 or 48 MB, with standard memory of 8 or 16 MB (non-removable), memory installed n/a.

Toshiba Satellite 300CD


 •Monitor: 12.1 inch DSTN mit einer Auflösung von 800 x 600
•Intel Pentium 166 MMX
•16-144 MB EDO RAM
•256 KB 2nd Level Cache
•2 MB Video-RAM
•2,1 GB Festplatte
•Yamaha SAx-OLP (Kompatibel mit Soundblaster Pro und Microsoft Sound
•16fach CDROM intern
•3,5 Diskettenlaufwerk intern
•Lithium Ion Akku

Toshiba Satellite Pro 430


 Manufacturer Toshiba
Type Notebook
Release date 1996
CPU 2.9 V Intel Pentium 120 MHz
Storage capacity 1350 million bytes hard disk
Memory 16 - 48 MB EDO RAM
Display SVGA, Colour 11.3 TFT LCD
800 x 600 resolution
Dimensions 299 x 235 x 57 mm
(W x D x H)
Weight 3.4 kg with integrated AC adaptor

Toshiba T1000 XE


 Processor 8OC88/4.77 MHz
Memory 512 KB
Floppy-disk drives 1 built-in 3.5 diskette drive, 720 KB
A second external 3.5 diskette drive,
720 KB or 5.25 floppy-disk drive,360 KB can be connected
Keyboard 82 keys, compatible with IBM PC
Display Supertwist display
80 characters x 25 lines
Graphics 640 x 200 dots or 320 x 200 dots
Swivel-mounted up to 180o
RS232C serial
Centronics parallel (printer)
Colour display (RGB) Composite video
External diskette drive
Operating system MS-DOS 2.11
Measurements 310 x 280 x 52 mm (W x D x H)
Weight 2.9 kg
Power supply Built-in rechargeable NiCad batteries
AC adapter/charger

Toshiba T1000LE


 Processor 8OC88/4.77 MHz
Memory 512 KB
Floppy-disk drives 1 built-in 3.5 diskette drive, 720 KB
A second external 3.5 diskette drive,
720 KB or 5.25 floppy-disk drive,360 KB can be connected
Keyboard 82 keys, compatible with IBM PC
Display Supertwist display
80 characters x 25 lines
Graphics 640 x 200 dots or 320 x 200 dots
Swivel-mounted up to 180o
RS232C serial
Centronics parallel (printer)
Colour display (RGB) Composite video
External diskette drive
Operating system MS-DOS 2.11
Measurements 310 x 280 x 52 mm (W x D x H)
Weight 2.9 kg
Power supply Built-in rechargeable NiCad batteries
AC adapter/charger

Toshiba T1200


 ORIGIN Japan - YEAR 1987 - END OF PRODUCTION 1992 - BUILT IN LANGUAGE None - KEYBOARD Full Stroke 82 Keys with Numeric Keypad Overlay - CPU Intel 80C86 - SPEED 9.54 MHz - RAM 1 MB - VRAM 256 KB - ROM 64KB (Holds Memory Test and BIOS)
TEXT MODES 40 or 80 Columns x 25 Lines - GRAPHIC MODES 640 or 320 x 200 dots - COLORS Monochrome - 16 Grayscales (Blue and Green) - SOUND PC Speaker - SIZE / WEIGHT 12(W) x 12 (L) x 2.5 (H) Inches / 11lb (With HD) or 10lb (With 2 FDD’s) - I/O PORTS 9 Pin RGBI, 9 Pin RS-232, Composite, Numeric Keypad, Centronics 25 Pin, External Floppy Drive, RJ-11 Phone Line Connector, HDD Power, 15V DC Laptop Power - BUILT IN MEDIA 1 or 2 720K 3 ½ Floppy Drives or 20 MB Hard Drive. - OS MS-DOS or PC-GEOS - POWER SUPPLY External 12v DC 2.2 amp power supply unit. - PRICE AU$7999 (1987) - AU$3995 (1991)

Toshiba T1200XE


Toshiba T1600-40


 CPU 80286 - 12 Mhz - RAM 1Mb ROM
Operating System MS DOS 3.3 - Text (Cols x Rows) 80 x 25
Graphics LCD 640 x 480 - Sound Beeper
Storage memory Floppy 3.5, hd 20-40Mb - Serial port 2 Parallel port 1

Toshiba T2000


 Processor: Intel 80C286 12/6 MHz clock speed - Reset switch AutoResume™ mode - Socket for optional 80C287 numeric coprocessor
Memory: Standard 1 MB RAM
Expandable to 9 MB
(1, 2, 4, or 8 MB cards)
LIM EMS support
(3.2 HW, 4.0 SW)
XMS support with MS-DOS 4.0
Toshiba HardRAM™
Hard Disk: 40 or 20 MB
19 ms average access time
Diskette Drive: Built-in 3.5 720 KB / 1.44 MB diskette drive
Media type checking
Display: Sidelit Supertwist LCD
Black and white
640 x 480 dot resolution
16 grey scales
Internal communications slot Desk Station II (option)
Dimensions: (W*D*H) 310 x 254 x 46 mm (12.2 x 10 x 1.8)
Weight: 3.1 kg (6.8 lb) with battery
Keyboard: 88 full-size sculptured keys familiar layout 12 function keys, 8 dedicated cursor keys integrated numeric keypad
25-pin bidirectional parallel/FDD port (Centronics compatible),
9-pin RS-232C serial port, 100-pin expansion connector for Desk Station II, 15-pin analogue VGA monitor port, Keypad port
Power supply:
Autosensing 100-240 V AC adapter for world-wide usage
Graphics Adapter:
VGA compatible 256 colours on external screen
Operating System:
MS-DOS 4.01 or MS-DOS 3.3 (option)

Toshiba T3200


 Processor Intel 80286 - 12 MHz. Optional 80287-8 math co-processor.
Memory 1024 KB standard. 640 KB may be used for MS-DOS and 384 KB as expanded memory (Lotus/ Intel/ Microsoft standard), as virtual disk, or as extended memory. Optional 3 MB memory expansion card for total RAM of 4 MB.
Diskette Drives One built-in 3.5 720 KB diskette drive. A second 5.25 360 KB diskette drive can be connected.
Hard Disk A fast built-in 3.5 40 MB (formatted capacity) hard disk.
Display High resolution EGA compatible gas plasma with variable contrast and variable brightness. Can display up to 4 gray scales. Display can also support CGA, Hercules, and 640 by 400 resolution. Maximum resolution supported is 720 by 400.
Sculptured 85 key with separate numeric keypad.
Expansion slots
One full size 16/8 bit slot and one half size 8 bit slot.
RS-232C serial
Centronics parallel
Colour display (RGB)
External diskette drive
External keyboard
Real Time Clock/ Calendar
Standard - backed up by long life lithium battery.
Operating System
MS-DOS 3.2
PC LAN support
BASIC version 3.2 option
Windows version 1.1 option
370 x 395 x 99 mm (W x D x H)
8.5 kg
Power Supply
110/220 volts, 100W, switchable

Toshiba TVG-610


Toshiba TGG-610 Gun

Light gun