TK Extended was a local version of PC-XT, launched by Microdigital in 1988.
Lenguajes None
Teclado Full stroke 86 key (84 key IBM PC-XT + 2 reset Teclas)
CPU Intel 8088-2
Velocidad 4.77 or 8 MHz
Co-procesador 8087-2 (optional)
RAM 768 KB
Modos de Texto 80 chars. x 25 lines
Modo gráfico 320x200 (4color) or 640x200 (monochrome)
Coloresc 4
Sonido PC Speaker
Puertos de entrada/salida 1 x Parallel, 2 x Serial RS-232
Almacenamiento interno 2 x 5.25. floppy drives or 1 x 5.25 + 1 x 3.5 low density
Fuente de alimentación 150w switching Fuente de alimentación unit
Perifericos 8 PC compatible Slots de expansión
The TK-2000 was a clone of the Apple IIc for its Electronics part; and a copy of the Atari 1200XL for the casing part.
Lenguajes BASIC interpreter
Teclado Full stroke 54 key with arrow Teclas
CPU 6502
Velocidad 1.2 MHz
RAM 64 KB or 128 KB (Model II)
VRAM 1 KB (Text mode) or 8 KB (Graficos mode)
Modos de Texto 40 chars. x 24 lines
Modo gráfico 40x48 x 8 Colores, 280x192 x 6 Colores and 280x192 x 6 Colores with text
Coloresc 8
Sonido TV (by RF out)
Tamaño/Peso 37.6 (W) x 32 (D) x 6.7 (H) cm
Puertos de entrada/salida 1 expansion slot, rf and composite video (PAL-M), 2 joystick, tape recorder In/Out, 1 parallel.
Almacenamiento interno None
OS Apple) DOS 3.3 compatible
Fuente de alimentación external Fuente de alimentación unit (110/220V)
Perifericos All Apple II expansion cards & Perifericos
TK-3000 was the local version of Apple IIe manufactured in Brazil.
Lenguajes BASIC interpreter
Teclado Full stroke 77 key with numeric keypad and arrow Teclas
CPU 65C02 + Z80A (solely for Teclado and Portuguese characters management)
Velocidad 1.023 MHz
RAM 64 KB (IIe) or 320 KB (Compact)
Modos de Texto 40 or 80 chars. x 25 lines
Modo gráfico 40 x 48, 280 x 192 and 560 x 192 dots
Coloresc 6 or 16 Colores
Sonido Internal speaker
Tamaño/Peso 39 (W) x 45.7 (D) x 11 (H) cm. (IIe), 37.6 (W) x 32 (D) x 6.7 (H) cm (Compact)
Puertos de entrada/salida 7 Slots de expansión, composite video (PAL-M), joystick, tape recorder In/Out. Compact has 1 expansion slot
Almacenamiento interno None
OS (Apple) DOS 3.3, ProDOS or CP/M (with an optional CP/M expansion card)
Fuente de alimentación Built-in switching Fuente de alimentación unit (110/220V)
Perifericos All Apple and third sources expansion cards & Perifericos
Precio about $2000 without monitor and floppy drive unit
TK82C was a Sinclair ZX81 clone made by Microdigital Eletronica Ltda., a computer company located in Brazil.
The TK82C (the C letter stands for Científico, or Scientific in English) was replaced by the TK83 (it used a ULA similar chip, as the original ZX81) and by the TK85 (a 16 KB RAM version with a case similar to ZX-Spectrum), more robust and with a better design.
Microdigital later produced the TK90X and TK95, which were clones of the ZX Spectrum.
Microdigital later produced the TK90X and TK95, which were clones of the ZX Spectrum.
Lenguajes Sinclair BASIC (extended in 82C & 83)
Teclado Membrane 40 Teclas
Velocidad 3.25 MHz
Co-procesador ULA custom chip in TK-83
RAM 2 KB up to 16 KB (82 & 82C) or 64 KB (83)
ROM 4 KB (82), 8 KB (82C & 83)
Modos de Texto 32 chars. x 24 lines
Modo gráfico 64 x 22 dots
Colores Monochrome
Sonido Beeper
Tamaño/Peso Approx. 17.5 (W) x 23 (D) x 3.8 (H) cm / 340 g
Puertos de entrada/salida TV/RF, Bus expansion, tape recorder In/Out, Joystick, Alimentacion
Fuente de alimentación External 10V Fuente de alimentación unit
Perifericos All of the Sinclair and third sources Perifericos
It was a close copy of the ZX81 but offered some enhanced features: 2 KB of RAM expandable up to 64 KB, and a joystick interface.
Lenguajes Sinclair BASIC
Teclado Membrane 40 Teclas
Velocidad 3.25 MHz
RAM 2 KB up to 64 KB
Modos de Texto 32 chars. x 22 lines
Modo gráfico 64 x 44 dots
Coloresc Monochrome
Tamaño/Peso 167 (W) x 175 (D) x 40 (H) mm / 350g
Puertos de entrada/salida Tape recorder, joystick, TV-RF
Fuente de alimentación External AC adaptor
Perifericos 16 and 48K RAM modules, all of the Sinclair Perifericos
Precio 85$ (USA, 1983)
The TK85 was a ZX81 clone made by Microdigital Eletronica, a computer company located in Brazil. It came with 16 or 48 kB RAM, and had a ZX Spectrum-style case, more precisely a Timex Sinclair 1500 clone.
Lenguajes Improved version of the ZX81 Basic
Teclado 40-key QWERTY rubber Teclado with up to 5 function per key
CPU Zilog Z80 A
Velocidad 3.25 MHz
RAM 16 KB up to 48 KB
Modos de Texto 32 columns x 24 lines
Modo gráfico 64 x 44 dots
Coloresc Monochrome
Tamaño/Peso 23 (W) x 14 (D) x 3 (H) cm / 500g
Puertos de entrada/salida Expansion port, Tape-recorder, RF video out, Joystick
Almacenamiento interno None
Perifericos Microdigital printer, all ZX81 Perifericos
The TK90X was the first Sinclair Spectrum clone produced by Microdigital.
Lenguajes Sinclair BASIC
Teclado Rubber Teclado - 40 Teclas
Velocidad 3.58 MHz
RAM 16K and 48K versions
Modos de Texto 32 chars. x 24 lines
Modo gráfico 256 x 192 dots
Coloresc 8 with two tones each (normal and bright)
Sonido 1 voice / 10 octaves (via TV set)
Puertos de entrada/salida Expansion port, tape-recorder (1200 bauds), RF video out, Joystick
Fuente de alimentación External 9V DC Fuente de alimentación unit
Perifericos Sinclair (not all) and third sources Perifericos
Precio 16K Cruzeiros 1.499.000, US$ 214 (1985)
48K Cruzeiros 1.749.000, US$ 249
The goal with the TK95 was to offer a true Spectrum compatible system with a case and keyboard as strong and convenient as a Commodore 64.
Lenguajes Sinclair Basic
Teclado Full stroke 57 Teclas
CPU Zilog Z80 A
Velocidad 3.58 MHz
ROM 16 KB (Basic & OS)
Modos de Texto 32 chars. x 24 lines
Modo gráfico 256 x 192 dots
Coloresc 8 with two tones each (normal and bright)
Sonido 1 voice / 10 octaves (via TV set)
Puertos de entrada/salida Expansion port, tape-recorder (1200 bauds), RF video out, Joystick, Bus expansion
Fuente de alimentación External 9V DC Fuente de alimentación unit
Perifericos all of the Sinclair and third sources Perifericos