video games gallery from the last century


Toys To Life

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Androbot Topo Robot


Topo is a robot designed in the 1980s by Androbot Inc., for the consumer and education markets.
It is programmable via Apple II and there is a user made program for the Windows 9x operating systems.
The programming language allows the robot to perform a set of geometric movements, to move about a room and perform tasks.
It is like a servant robot, although it does not truly meet the requirements of a robot, as it had no sensors to use to receive input and then make decisions accordingly.

Androman Atari VCS


AndroMan, que luego fue renombrado a Atariman, un robot desarrollado por Nolan Bushnell, a quien conocemos por ser el fundador de la mismísima Atari.
Originalmente, los Androbots fueron creados con la idea de ser complementos educacionales programables con computadoras Apple II.
Sin embargo, existen recortes que promocionaban una versión en miniatura capaz de ser controlada por la consola de juegos. Se creía que con el robot vendría una especie de lona en donde el robot se deslizaba, y el cartucho del juego que permitía el control del robot.

Atari Fred

Bandai Namco Tori


Bandai WonderSwan Wonderborg

Disney Infinity


Disney Infinity (2013) was a toys-to-life series based on Disney characters and franchises.
Since the initial games release in 2013, there had been three installments.
Disney Infinity was the first game, focusing on Disney and Pixar characters.
In 2014, Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes was released as the second game, which focused on Marvel characters and properties.
The third game, 2015s Disney Infinity 3.0, centered on the Star Wars franchise.
All Disney Infinity figurines could interact with various games in the series.
The line concluded in 2016, when Disney announced that production of the series had officially ceased, and that there would be no more future titles.

 * Disney Infinity 1.0
Pirates of the Caribbean
Monsters University
The Incredibles
The Lone Ranger
Toy Story In Space

* Disney Infinity 2.0
The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy

* Disney Infinity 3.0
Star Wars: Twilight of the Republic
Star Wars: Rise Against the Empire
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Inside Out
Finding Dory
Marvel Battlegrounds

Disney Infinity 10 Starter Pack

Disney Infinity 20 Starter Pack

Disney Infinity 30 Starter Pack

Disney Playmation


Disney Playmation was a longer range (~10m) networked interactive role-playing game with wearable toys that supported BLE communications with phone apps.
The product was sold in collaboration with Hasbro. The single-product story line delivered was based on the Marvel Iron Man universe.
Other universes announced before the produced was terminated included Star Wars and Frozen.



F.A.M.P.S. was the second game ever made in the toys-to-life genre.
It was made by Girl Tech and produced by Mattel (the same people who produced U.B. Funkeys).
It was less like a traditional game and more like an application giving players customization options for their desktop and a safe social network to talk on.
Each figure unlocked new mini games and customization options.
Due to the game only being available for download online no known copies of the game still exist, making F.A.M.P.S. lost media.

Hero Plug And Play Power Rangers Super Mega Force

Hero Plug And Play Super Heroes

Hero Plug And Play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Hero Portal DreamWorks Dragons


A toys-to-life game made by Jakks Pacific. It was a console connected to a portal connected to plugs which the player connect to their TV.
They placed the figures on the portal and they went to the players game.
It was short-lived. Due to poor sales, there were three (Four) themes released: DC Super Heroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers (DreamWorks Dragons).

Hero Portal Power Rangers Super Mega Force


A toys-to-life game made by Jakks Pacific. It was a console connected to a portal connected to plugs which the player connect to their TV.
They placed the figures on the portal and they went to the players game.

Hero Portal Super Heroes


A toys-to-life game made by Jakks Pacific. It was a console connected to a portal connected to plugs which the player connect to their TV.
They placed the figures on the portal and they went to the players game.
It was short-lived. Due to poor sales, there were three themes released: DC Super Heroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers.

Hero Portal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


A toys-to-life game made by Jakks Pacific. It was a console connected to a portal connected to plugs which the player connect to their TV.
They placed the figures on the portal and they went to the players game.

Infinite Arms

Lego Dimensions


 * LEGO Dimensiones Paquete de bienvenida

* Paquetes de Historia que contienen un personaje con un vehículo-gadget, y un nuevo portal con 6 niveles nuevos para jugar.
Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos
The Lego Batman Movie

* Paquetes de Nivel que contienen uno o dos personajes con un vehículo/gadget y un nivel nuevo para jugar y una historia nueva para seguir.
Back to the Future
Doctor Who
Los Simpson
Portal 2
Los cazafantasmas
Midway Arcade
Hora de Aventura
Misión: Imposible
Sonic the Hedgehog

* Paquetes de Equipo son similares a los paquetes divertidos excepto que contienen más personajes, más vehículos/accesorios y vienen con capacidades únicas.
Lego Ninjago
Mundo Jurásico
DC Cómics
Hora de Aventura
Harry Potter

* Paquetes de Diversión (fun packs) contienen un personaje de una franquicia y un gadget o vehículo.

Lego Ninjago
La gran Aventura LEGO
El Señor de los Anillos
DC Comics
El mago de Oz
Lego Chima
Los Simpson
Back to the Future
Doctor Who
Los Cazafantasmas
The A Team
E.T., el extraterrestre

Lego Dimensions Fun Pack The Simpsons

Lego Dimensions Level Pack Back To The Future

Lego Dimensions Team Pack Gremlins

Lightseekers Awakening


Lightseekers: Awakening is a multimedia franchise created by PlayFusion, an independent British studio co-founded by Mark Gerhard, the former CEO of RuneScape publisher Jagex.
Its early development was partly financed via a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, which had raised $227,660 by November 2016.
The Lightseekers brand consists of a toys-to-life role-playing video game (commonly referred to as Lightseekers RPG) and a trading card game.
The toys-to-life video game was released for iOS and Android mobile platforms in May 2017.
The Lightseekers RPG video game is free-to-play and does not require accessories to function, but players can purchase a line of interactive figures made in partnership with Tomy to enhance their experience.
Figures can be decked with various accessories which modify the corresponding characters in-game appearance and abilities. They also incorporate a speaker for various one-liners, and a motion sensor allowing them to be used as a controller during flying segments.
A second Lightseekers video game was released in January 2019 for the Nintendo Switch, but it is an virtual adaptation of the trading card game rather than a port of the toys-to-life RPG.

Minecraft Earth


App game Minecraft Earth

Nintendo Labo Robot Kit



Nintendo Labo Variety Kit



Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit



Nintendo ROB Gyromite


Nintendo ROB Stack-Up


Nintendo Rob


R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) is a toy robot accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was launched in July 1985 as the Family Computer Robot[a] in Japan, and October 1985 as R.O.B. in North America. Its short lifespan yielded only two games in the Robot Series: Gyromite and Stack-Up.

Following the devastating North American video game crash of 1983, Nintendo alleviated the fearful retail market by rebranding its Japanese Famicom video game console as the Nintendo Entertainment System—a new platform focused on R.O.B. to further reclassify the system as a uniquely sophisticated toy experience instead of simply as a video game console. Computer Entertainer magazine in June 1985 called R.O.B. the worlds only interactive robot.

The extensive marketing plan centered on R.O.B., which began at the October 1985 test market launch of the NES, was ultimately successful. This launch represented Nintendos debut in the North American video game console market, and yielded the revitalization of the entire video game industry. Although R.O.B. was quietly discontinued a few years later, it is nevertheless remembered as a successful Trojan Horse of marketing, and has even gained renewed attention as a playable character within the Super Smash Bros. series.

Pokemon Rumble U


Pokemon Rumble U was Nintendos first foray into the toys-to-life genre, released in 2013 for the Wii U.
It is the first game that utilized the built-in NFC reader on the Wii U gamepad.
In the game, players control Pokémon and engage in battle with other Pokémon.
When figures are scanned with the NFC reader, they can be utilized in-game. In addition, if anything else with NFC technology is scanned into the game, the player will receive a random effect.

Sega Chan


Sick Bricks


A game by Spin Master with Lego-compatible figurines and builds.
The game took place in a small town called Sick City, which was under fire by a villain named Omega Overlord.
Various heroes fought against him, and his goons combining with each other to fight them off.
There were various multi-packs and special blind bags containing the toys.
While the game itself was free, the additional figures would cost money.
There were only three waves of figures, all of which were released in 2015. Following the third waves release, no additional information about the series was released, so it was assumed to be discontinued.
The line was based on a 2015 cartoon series of the same.



Skylanders (2011) is one of the most successful early games of this genre.
Since its first release, each year has seen a new installment in the series, totaling six as of 2016.
Each game has its own portal device and a different take on the premise than past games.
They star the Skylander heroes and the evil antagonist Kaos. All current figurines are compatible with its most recent installment, Skylanders: Imaginators (2016).
While the franchise has not seen a new main console release since then, due to Activision’s desire to take an extended break from the main series, a mobile RPG spin-off, Skylanders: Ring of Heroes was released worldwide in early 2019, developed by Com2Us.

Telepods Angry Birds


It is only used for Angry Birds mobile apps such as Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Go!.

Telepods Angry Birds Go

Telepods Angry Birds Star Wars

Telepods Angry Birds Stella

Telepods Angry Birds Transformers

Toys To Life

Toys-to-life is a video game feature using physical figurines or action figures to interact within the game.
These toys use a near field communication (NFC), radio frequency identification (RFID), or image recognition data protocol to determine the individual figurines proximity, and save a players progress data to a storage medium located within that piece.
It is one of the most lucrative branches of the video game industry, with the Skylanders franchise alone selling more than $3 billion worth over the course of four years.

UB Funkeys


U.B. Funkeys (2007) was the first game of this genre.
It was discontinued in 2010 and was worked on by Mattel, Arkadium, and Radica.
It had multiple updates before it was discontinued. Almost every update had a portal, also referred to as a Hub, with the same mold but a different pattern. The Hubs were a special USB port to plug into the users computer.
The characters were the Funkeys, which each unlocked new in-game areas.

ZXE-D Legend Of Plasmatlite

ZXE-D is a novel game, and an expensive one at that, for the Playstation. The game package sits in a large suitcase sized container that houses four plastic model robots that can be built from the included parts and the ZXE-D game disc.

Two of the models are full height robots that stand about 5 inches high. Assembling the robots is very easy, the parts are designed so that they click and latch onto each other for a simple and uncomplicated project. No glue, paint or exacto knives are required to assemble these beautiful models. The models are very detailed and should give lovers of quality plastic constructs a nice addition to their collection.

Here, a robot is being assembled to create the robot that is pictured above. You may be wondering why you would want to create such an odd looking robot when they look just fine in their original states. The ZXE-D program is capable of interpreting the way that the robots are constructed and will show them accordingly on screen. For example, the robot to the left will look exactly like you have made it on screen, with its awkward proportions and color schemes intact. The robot plugs into the Playstation through a cable that extends from the back of his torso. The cable goes into the Playstation memory card slot. Its impressive and very innovative for this first attempt at something new for the Playstation. Actual game screen shots are shown below.

You can choose from eight different player characters as your mech driver. The pilots dont really make too much of a difference in the actual battles since the mechs are what matter but some characters have better stamina while others are more agile in their controlling patterns.

The game is a playable 3-D fighting game that showcases your robotic constructions. The controls are tight but they could have been improved for smoother execution of moves. Some move sequences are jittery but they do not detract in a major way from the overall game. For a close approximation of what the game is like, pop in your old Zero Divide game and go a few rounds. The camera stays to the side of the robots in most instances and zooms out for the occasional far-off attack view when you are away from your opponent. To the left and to the lower-left, we see all of the four robots in their original, unmodified forms engaged in close combat. Pictured directly below, we have amalgams of some of the robots that have been mixed and matched together.

Zowie Redbeards Pirate Quest


Redbeards Pirate Quest: Interactive Toy created by Zowie in 1999.
This PC game came with a plastic pirate ship that connects to the printer port, and players can interact with the game by placing the separate pirate figurines on various places in the ship, and moving or rotating them



Amiibo (2014) is a toys-to-life platform primarily based on Nintendo properties and characters, as well some non-Nintendo franchises like third-party Super Smash Bros. fighters, Shovel Knight, and Mega Man.
Launching in 2014 with figurines, Nintendo has since also deployed Amiibo-compatible playing cards, plush yarn toys, and even promotional cereal boxes.
Unlike most other toys-to-life series, Amiibo does not have games dedicated exclusively to the use of the toys, but the characters are used throughout various games on Nintendo Wii U, 3DS, and Switch consoles.
Amiibo can save players progress data and information per game, however many games only offer read-only functionality.

 Super Smash Bros Series 11-21-2014
Super Mario Series 03-20-2015
Super Mario Bros 30th Anniversary Series 09-11-2015
The Legend Of Zelda Series 03-04-2016
The Legend Of Zelda 30th Anniversary Series 12-02-2016
Splatoon Series 05-29-2015
Animal Crossing Series 11-13-2015
Yoshis Woolly World Series 10-16-2015
Kirby Series 06-09-2016
Fire Emblem Series 05-19-2017
Metroid Series 09-15-2017
Shovel Knight Series 01-08-2016
Monster Hunter Series 10-08-2016
Other series 10-09-2015

Skylanders SuperChargers Series 09-20-2015

Beyblade Burst App


With the Beyblade Burst App you can use Image recognition to get your Beyblade Burst into the world of video games and fight with them all over the world

Beyblade Burst Evolution RC


Bio Bytes


Conquest Of The World

Fun Water Squirter

Funny TV Squirter

Mario Kart Live Home Circuit


Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is an upcoming racing mixed reality game, being the 15th installment in the Mario Kart series set to release in October 2020 for the Nintendo Switch.
Developed by Velan Studios, Home Circuit utilizes real-life toys, with radio-controlled cars responding to how the player plays in-game.
The game will be released to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Super Mario franchise.

Nintendo Labo


A group of games by Nintendo where players build objects out of perforated cardboard templates and attach them to their Nintendo Switch console.
Objects that are built can then be used in various minigames.

 #1 Kit Variado
#2 Kit de Robot
#3 Kit de Vehículos
#4 Kit VR

Nintendo Labo VR Kit



Nintendo Labo VR Kit Expansion 1



Nintendo Labo VR Kit Expansion 2



Parker ROM The Space Knight


QuickShot SVI 2000 Robotarm

Squirt Computer

Starlink Battle For Atlas


Starlink: Battle for Atlas (2018) is Ubisofts first step into the toys-to-life video game genre.
The game doesnt require use of the toys to be played, but the gameplay is enriched by using them.
The interactive toys consist of three categories: ships (which consist of a body and two wings), weapons, and pilots. Pilots and ships are attached to controller mounts, which load the attached toy into the game instantly.
Each loadout requires a pilot and ship body, but ship wings and weapons can be dynamically mixed, matched, and stacked using attachments on the ship bodies and wings.
The game was developed by Ubisoft Toronto and released on October 16, 2018, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
The Switch version features an exclusive pilot and ship (Nintendos Fox McCloud and his Arwing) within the games starter pack. An all-digital edition was also released for all three consoles that contains most of the released physical toys in-game.

On April 3rd, 2019, it was announced that due to sales that fell below expectations, there would be no further releases of physical Starlink toys. Digital expansions, however, would continue to be released. In total, 8 ships, 16 weapons, and 11 pilots were released physically across 3 starter packs, 6 ship packs, 4 weapon packs, and 5 pilot packs.
Controller mount packs were also released for each console that enabled co-op play with the physical toys.

The Quest For The Rings