Mickey Mouse
There are several series of games that differ in designation - “IM” (Microprocessor Game), “IE” (Electronic Game, Polesie) and simply “I”. One game, Electronics 24-01, does not have a series designation.
Microprocesador: KB1013VK1-2, pantalla IZHM 2-71-01 (o IZHM13-71).
* IM - Microprocessor game:
24-01 The game on the screen (Mickey Mouse) - Игра на экране
IM- ?? Mickey Mouse is the equivalent of the Nintendo EG-26 Egg - Микки Маус
IM-02 Well, wait a minute! (1986) - analogue of Nintendo EG-26 Egg - Ну, погоди!
IM-03 Secrets of the Ocean (1989) - An analogue of the Nintendo OC-22 Octopus - айны океана
IM-04 Merry cook MG-04 Merry cook (1989) - analogue of Nintendo FP-24 Chef - Весёлый повар
IM-05 computadora de ajedrez para el desarrollo y producción del software Svetlana
IM-09 Space bridge MG-09 Space bridge (1989) - analogue of Nintendo FR-27 Fire - Космический мост
IM-10 Ice Hockey Hockey
IM-11 moon-driver with program control (1985), Big Track toy clone
IM-12 Winnie the Pooh un análogo del juego Nintendo CJ-93 1983 Donkey-Kong JR Panorama Screen Series KC12-02
IM-13 Explorers of space MG-13 Space Scouts (1989) - an analogue of the Nintendo EG-26 Egg - Разведчики космоса
IM-15 board electronic game of football (younger version)
IM-18 Hunt (1989) - analogue of Nintendo EG-26 Egg - Охота
IM-19 Biathlon (?) - Биатлон
IM-20 Air shooting range, option 1 (1994) - un análogo del juego Nintendo BU-201 Spitball Sparky Super Color 1984
IM-20 Super cubes (Tetris analogue), option 2 - LCD de diseño propio, carcasa como Nintendo Super Color
IM-22 Cheerful football players (1991/1992 onwards) - Весёлые футболисты
IM-22 Circus (?) - Цирк
IM-22 Funny football players (1991/1992) - Веселі футболісти
IM-23 Autoslalom (1991) - Автослалом
IM-26 with replaceable screens in the form of cartridges (Cheerful football KS26-01 Bueno, ¡espera!,
IM-27 Space Adventures (febrero de 1990) - análogo del juego TOMYTRONIC 3D Planet Zeon de Tomy
IM-28 un juego electrónico de mesa
IM-29 chess partner (chess computer with liquid crystal display (1992) - шаховий партнер
IM-30 Electronic synthesizer Orpheus - Орфей
IM-31 Knight - Витязь
IM-32 Cat fisher (?) - Кіт-рибалка
IM-33 Strangler handle (1993) - Квака-задавака
IM-36 Pesca divertida: la trama del juego con el pescador cosaco
IM-37 board electronic football game (older version)
IM-39 un juego electrónico de mesa de hockey
IM-45 Calculator, clock, alarm clock, games for learning English
IM-46 Music Synthesizer Calculator
IM-50 Merry Arithmetic (1989) - Весёлая арифметика
IM-50 Space Flight (1992), the index is the same as Merry Arithmetic - Космический полёт
IM-51 Bajo el agua Attack (Sea Attack) - una variante del juego Sea Battle with a submarine (1994)
IM-53 Asteroid Attack (1993) - Атака астероидов
IM-55 juego electrónico de tablero Baloncesto: Copa del Mundo
IM- ?? Hockey (?) - Хоккей
IM- ?? Tetris (?) - Тетрис
IM- ?? Basketball (?) - Баскетбол
IM- ?? Air shooting range (?) - Воздушный тир
IM- ?? Formula 1 (?) - Формула 1
IM- ?? Love does not love (?) - Любит не любит
IM- ?? Thieves (?) - Воришки
IM- ?? Space meetings (?), A variant of the Comic flight with slight differences in the schedule - Космические встречи
IM- ?? Sea battle (?) - Морской бой
* IE - Electronic Game, Полесье: Some games were also issued with the same inscription on the body and another index system.
IE-01 Night thieves (?) - Ночные воришки
IE-02 Artful mouse (?) - Ловкий мышонок
IE-03 Hunting (?) (Analogue IM-18) - Охота
IE-04 Funny football players (?) - Весёлые футболисты
IE-05 Well, wait a minute! (?) (analogue IM-02) - Ну, погоди!
IE-06 Ninja (?) - Ниндзя
IE-07 Hockey (?) - Хоккей
IE-08 Space Scouts (?) - Разведчики космоса
IM-? 9 Tortugas Ninja
IM- ?? Serie Golden Antelope
* I - Game XX (versions released after 1992):
I-01 Autoslalom - Автослалом
I-02 Cheerful cook - Весёлый повар
I-03 Space Bridge - Космический мост
I-04 Cat fisher (analogue IM-32) - Кот рыболов
I-05 Naval battle - Морской бой
I-06 Well, wait a minute! (analogue IM-02) - Ну, погоди!
I-07 Frog frog - Лягушка-квакушка
I-08 Hunting (see IM-18) - Охота
I-09 Space Scouts - Разведчики космоса
I-10 Biathlon - Биатлон
I-11 Circus - Цирк
I-12 Hockey - Хоккей
I-13 Football - Футбол
I-14 Robbery - Ограбление
I-15 Treasures of the ocean (analogue IM-03) - Сокровища океана
* Serie TOMAKOCHI ТОМАКОЧИ - Electronic microprocessor games
* Other
-Rhythm CHE-01 is a watch made on the basis of the case and the board with the IC from the game, presumably without making changes to the firmware. The keys designed to control the game situation are abolished, a special LCD is applied, on which there are no game segments, and the hour group of segments, respectively, is enlarged and takes up all the vacant space;
-Start 7250 is a radio constructor of the Start series for self-assembly of a microprocessor game. It is equipped with a case, a fully assembled board and two indicators with the plots of the games Kwaka Zadaka (IM-33) and Cat Fisher (IM-32)
-Altair DBGB-06I - dosimeter; clock; the game.
-IER-01 - Auto racing [2] - a portable game in 1983 on the chip K145IK512P, an analogue of the AUTO RACE game from Mattel Electronics in 1977.
-Video Sport is a series of television game consoles. Based on the video game Pong. It is executed on the K145IK17 chip. There were four options for the console - Videosport, Videosport-2, Videosport-M, Videosport-3, which differed in the design of the case, remotes and pistol.
-Exci Video 01 is a television game console manufactured by the Exciton plant.
-IE-01 Oriole - an analogue of the game Simon.
-CP-1 is a speech synthesizer or Speak and write in English - an analogue of Speak’nSpell.
-Coast Guard is a board electronic game (1989) that implements an algorithm similar to the algorithm of the Sea Battle slot machine.
-Underwater Hunter - board electronic game (1991).
-Volleyball - board electronic game (1993).
Alone the Electronika 60 is a rack-mounted computer with no built-in display or storage devices. It was usually paired with a 15IE-00-013 terminal and I/O devices. The main logic unit is located on the M2 CPU board.
M2 CPU Technical Characteristics:
Word length: 16 bits
Address space: 32K words (64 KB)
RAM size: 4K words (8 KB)
Number of instructions: 81
Performance: 250,000 operations per second
Floating-point capacity: 32 bits
Number of VLSI chips: 5
Board dimensions: 240 × 280 mm
UKNC (Russian: УКНЦ) was a Soviet PDP-11-compatible educational computer, aimed at teaching school informatics courses. It is also known as Elektronika MS-0511. UKNC stands for Educational Computer by Scientific Centre
CPU: KM1801VM2 @ 8 MHz, 16 bit data bus, 17 bit address bus
Peripheral processor: KM1801VM2 @ 6.25 MHz
PPU RAM: 32 KB, ROM: 32 KB, video RAM: 96 KB (3 planes 32KB each, each 3-bit pixel had a bit in each plane)
Graphics: max 640×288 with 8 colors in one line (16 or 53 colors on whole screen), it is possible to set an individual palette, resolution (80, 160, 320, or 640 dots per line) and memory address for each of 288 screen lines; no text mode.
Keyboard: 88 keys (MS-7007), JCUKEN layout
built-in LAN controller
built-in controller for common or special tape-recorder with computer control (to use for data storage, usually 5-inch FDDs were used)