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The system was designed in 1975, so could only use CMOS or TTL logic gates. About 50 CMOS chips were used by the system in addition to the other discrete components (capacitors, etc). The games were also different from most others of the same period: the system played Tennis (2 or 4 players), Hockey (2 or 4 players) and Robot (1 or 2 players against machine).
Tennis was the usual PONG variant. The 4-player mode split the screen horizontally in two parts so that two groups of two players could play at the same time. This was a unique feature.
Hockey did not split the screen when used in 4-player mode, so the game consisted in two teams of one or two players.
Robot is the most uncommon PONG variant. The game is played against the machine by one or two players. The goal is to make the ball go in the hole located on the machines side. To avoid this, the machine moves up and down a larger paddle to bounce the ball back to the players side.