video games gallery from the last century


Electro Mechanic

    Handhelds:149     Art

Alps Action Racer

Alps Action Rider

Alps Space Pinball

Alps UFO Abwehr


Baseball Game


Epoch Book Games Series

Baseball Game

Bestech Marine

Bestech Missile

Bestech Vader

Blip Parker


Blip World Tennis




Blip-O-Mat Reaktion-Konzentration




CGL Space Challenger


Chicago Coin Speedway


Coleco Draw




Electro-mechanical bowling game in the same line as Digital Diamond, Digital Derby, Hit & Missile, etc.
Sold by Tomy in Japan as The Big Bowling, sold by Sears in the U.S. (and possibly other markets) as Compu-Bowl.

2 AA Batteries
Model# 49-65262

Computer Baseball

Computer Derby



Cragstan Periscope-Firing Range


Este es el primer juego electromecánico alimentado con pilas, predecesor del AutoRace, que sí es totalmente electrónico.
Fabricado en 1951 con la carcasa totalmente mecánica (latas de café recicladas), incluye un trípode que lo acerca más a una tabletop que a un handheld.
Al pulsar en Start, una cinta transparente con barcos impresos empieza a moverse, mientras una luz trasera los ilumina. Al pulsar Fire, una luz roja parpadea y se oye un sonido.
No hay marcador ni forma de identificar que se ha acertado con el disparo.

Juego de guerra naval fabricado en Japón por una empresa norteamericana cuando, tras la batalla de Pearl Harbor, el país estaba ocupado.

 En el primer modelo solo era posible ver la pantalla para un solo jugador y cabe sospechar que hacían trampa, el segundo modelo lanzado poco tiempo después incluía una pantalla claramente visible frontal y dos pantallas adicionales a los lados para los amigos

Cragstan Periscope-Firing Range model 2


En el primer modelo solo era posible ver la pantalla para un solo jugador y cabe sospechar que hacían trampa, el segundo modelo lanzado poco tiempo después incluía una pantalla claramente visible frontal y dos pantallas adicionales a los lados “para los amigos”

*Un videojuego o juego de video es un juego electrónico en el que una o más personas interactúan, por medio de un controlador, con un dispositivo dotado de imágenes de vídeo.

*Handheld electronic game(s) are very small, portable devices for playing interactive electronic games, often miniaturized versions of video games. The controls, display and speakers are all part of a single unit. Rather than a general-purpose screen made up of a grid of small pixels, they usually have custom displays designed to play one game. This simplicity means they can be made as small as a digital watch, and sometimes are. The visual output of these games can range from a few small light bulbs or LED lights to calculator-like alphanumerical screens; later these were mostly displaced by liquid crystal and vacuum fluorescent display screens with detailed images and in the case of VFD games, color

*A handheld video game is a video game designed for a handheld device. In the past, this primarily meant handheld game consoles such as Nintendos Game Boy line.
Una videoconsola portátil es un dispositivo electrónico ligero que permite jugar videojuegos y en el que, a diferencia de una videoconsola de sobremesa, los controles, la pantalla, los altavoces y la alimentación (baterías) están integrados en la misma unidad y todo ello con un pequeño tamaño, para poder llevarla y jugar en cualquier lugar o momento
En 1976 Mattel presentó el primer juego electrónico portátil con el lanzamiento de Auto Race

Derby Game

Derby Race


Epoch Book Games Series

Dinosaur Game


Drive Game

Drive Yourself Crazy


Electro Mechanic

Epoch Mogura Punch


 (19xx, Model# ?)


Geyper Tomy Formula 1

Geyper Tomy Motocross

Hunter Game

I Took A Lickin From A Chicken


Joyful Game

Kasco Bank Robber


holographic 3-D game

Kasco Gun Smoke


first holographic 3-D game

Kasco Indy 500


Kasco Mini Drive


Major League Home Run Blast

Marx Games Electro Hockey


Marx Games Magic Shot


Marx TV Tennis


By the early 1970s the Marx Company had fallen on hard times. In 1972, Louis Marx sold his company to the Quaker Oats Company. Having largely ignored industry trends toward electronic toys, Quaker struggled to keep Marx going. In 1972, Marx attempted to capitalize on the success of Pong with a mechanical version called T.V. Tennis. Contrary to its name, T.V. Tennis could not be played on a television. Instead, Marx designed the plastic game to resemble a TV without any electronic components except a battery-powered motor and a glowing light bulb that acted as a tennis ball. Unfortunately for Marx, its mechanical Pong imitator was not a success. In 1976, Quaker sold its Marx division to a British conglomerate, who finally shutdown Marx and liquidated its assets in the early 1980s.

Marx TV Tennis brown


By the early 1970s the Marx Company had fallen on hard times. In 1972, Louis Marx sold his company to the Quaker Oats Company. Having largely ignored industry trends toward electronic toys, Quaker struggled to keep Marx going. In 1972, Marx attempted to capitalize on the success of Pong with a mechanical version called T.V. Tennis. Contrary to its name, T.V. Tennis could not be played on a television. Instead, Marx designed the plastic game to resemble a TV without any electronic components except a battery-powered motor and a glowing light bulb that acted as a tennis ball. Unfortunately for Marx, its mechanical Pong imitator was not a success. In 1976, Quaker sold its Marx division to a British conglomerate, who finally shutdown Marx and liquidated its assets in the early 1980s.

Mego Star Trek Phaser Battle


Mini Golf

Miro-Meccano Blip


Missile Attack


Missile Galaxy

Missile Strike

Tomy Digital Daredevil / Eddie Kidds Stunt Bike / Moto Cross / Black Rider

Mogura Punch

Motorrad Action Rider

Mr Frog Mini

Namco Periscope


Newport 500

Nintendo Wild Gunman


first interactive movie game

Palitoy Blip


Palitoy Demon Driver


Formula 1 AKA Black Racer en Japon AKA Palitoy Demon Driver

2 C Batteries
Model# 7034

Palitoy Wildfire

Parker Brothers Drac


Pocket Arcade Astro Raid


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Attack In Space


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Cat Dodger


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Copter Combat


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Desert Race


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Knights Mission


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Recover the Loot


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Safari Drive


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Sky Catch


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Space Dock


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade TMNT Donatellos Sewer Seltzer Canon


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Subserie de 4 maquinas basadas en Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donatellos Sewer Seltzer Canon
Leonardos Pizza Vault
Michaelangelos Tunnel Trap
Raphaels Sewer Battle

Pocket Arcade TMNT Leonardos Pizza Vault


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Subserie de 4 maquinas basadas en Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donatellos Sewer Seltzer Canon
Leonardos Pizza Vault
Michaelangelos Tunnel Trap
Raphaels Sewer Battle

Pocket Arcade TMNT Michaelangelos Tunnel Trap


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Subserie de 4 maquinas basadas en Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donatellos Sewer Seltzer Canon
Leonardos Pizza Vault
Michaelangelos Tunnel Trap
Raphaels Sewer Battle

Pocket Arcade TMNT Raphaels Sewer Battle


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Subserie de 4 maquinas basadas en Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Donatellos Sewer Seltzer Canon
Leonardos Pizza Vault
Michaelangelos Tunnel Trap
Raphaels Sewer Battle

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Marine Bomber


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Ninja Yashiki


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Omoraihun


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy PuckMan


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Safari Drive


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Space Cruiser


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Technoboy Yashinomi


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pocket Arcade Torpedo Terror


de la serie Pocket Arcade (Technoboy series en Japon)

Pulse Missile

Radio Shack Waco 21 Black Jack

SFX Game


Safari Game


Sears Driving Game


Tomy Digital Derby (1978, Lights/Mechanical, 2 C Batteries, Model# 7034)

Sears Grand Prix


Tomy Digital Derby (1978, Lights/Mechanical, 2 C Batteries, Model# 7034)

Sears Rocket Launch


Sega Astrodata

Sega Attack

Sega Cowboy

Sega Dodgem Crazy

Sega Duck Hunt

Sega El Alamein

Sega Fox Hunt

Sega Grand Prix


Sega Gun Fight


Sega Heli Shooter

Sega Jet Rocket


Sega Jumbo

Sega Night Rider

Sega Periscope


Sega Punching Bag

Sega Red Baron

Sega Space Ace

Space Blaster


Space Challenger


Unknown manufacturer

Space Chaser

Space Fighter

Eidai Corporation

Space Vader



Epoch Book Games Series

Stellar War

Stunt Bike

Tomy Digital Daredevil / Eddie Kidds Stunt Bike / Moto Cross / Black Rider

Submarine Game


Swervin Derby


Tandy Lanes Tenpin Bowling

The Derby

Tomy Black Racer


Formula 1 AKA Black Racer en Japon AKA Palitoy Demon Driver

2 C Batteries
Model# 7034

Tomy Black Rider


Tomy Digital Daredevil / Eddie Kidds Stunt Bike / Moto Cross / Black Rider

2 C Batteries
Model# 7081

Tomy Blip


Tennis Tennis (mechanical)


“The Digital Game.” Uh-huh, yeah, right. A mechanical Pong-type game that was invented by Hikoo Usami (Tokyo). All of the game play is mechanical, powered by a wind-up timer mechanism. The batteries are only there to light up the single red LED light that represents the ball. You can actually play the game with no batteries in a bright enough setting.

Its hard to believe that a game like Blip could captivate a generation, but it was high on many Christmas lists in 1977. The game was a simple electromechanical version of Atari Pong: an LED bounced back and forth across the court, powered by a windup timer. There is something incredibly ironic about a unit marketed as The Digital Game which makes a mechanical bZzzz... Bzzz... bzzz... noise as you play.

The game is very simple, reset the score, and serve. The opponent need to guess where the ball is going to land, and need to press the correct button (1, 2 or 3) just before the ball arrived. The game play is really fun when playing with another player, against the computer is almost impossible to win , but it provide great training.

TOMY sold many of these little portables, no doubt riding on the success of Ataris much more expensive electronic. Perhaps the real secret of Blips success was hidden in the tag line on the box: Take it anywhere. No TV set is needed. Parents probably envisioned a portable game as a great way to keep kids from taking over the living room TV set.

TOMY´s Japanese version was called World Tennis ,French version was released by Meccatronic. It was also sold by PaliToy. All where produced in Japan.

Blip was a hand-held electro-mechanical game marketed by Tomy starting in 1977. The game was a simulator of games like tennis, ping-pong, and Ataris video game Pong.

For a two-player game, the games selector switch was set to position 2 (for two players). The game was then turned on and the red LED ball lit up. Whichever side the ball was on served first. The servers score counter was set to 0 while the receivers counter was set to R. The timer was then turned. A push of the serve button began the game. The players must anticipate where the ball would land in one of three spaces on the playing field marked 1, 2, and 3. The player must then push the corresponding button before the ball lands on the space. If the player was successful in anticipating the balls space and pushed the button in time, the ball was then returned to the opposing player. If the player anticipated wrongly, the ball would stop and that player must then serve the ball, giving the opposing player 1 point.

Game play continued until either the timer stopped or 10 points was earned by one of the players.

Blip was also capable of being played by a single person when the selector switch was set to position 1.

Development and history

Blip was designed by Hikoo Usami for the Tomy Kogyo Co., the patent being filed in 1976 and awarded in 1977. The game was housed in a plastic case with a translucent screen. On the screen was a hash line dividing the screen in half (and simulating a net) and contained the three positions for the ball to land for both sides. The upper portion of the case also contained the 1, 2, and 3 position buttons, the serve buttons, the player selector, and the timer dial. The underside contained the wheels to turn the score counters and the battery compartment.

It was the timer which provided the motor function to the game. Upon the timer dial being turned, this wound a spring which then, via several gears, drove the arm upon which the LED light (the ball) was mounted.

Movement of the LED was ostensibly random but a player was capable of memorizing the movements of the LED and recognize patterns which would enable the player to better anticipate where the ball would land.

Power for the LED was provided by two AA batteries. However, because the game was mechanical, in the right light conditions, it was possible to play Blip without batteries as one could see the unlit LED under the screen.

Tomy marketed Blip in the U.S. starting in 1977 and it was a very popular game when it debuted, being one of the must have holiday gifts for the 1977 Christmas shopping season. In Japan, Blip was marketed as World Tennis and differed from the U.S. game by having the words World Tennis emblazoned on the screen and replacing the 1, 2, and 3 on the screen with silhouettes of tennis players.

The Blip name remained on the Japanese version. In France, the game was marketed by Meccatronic. The German version was called Blip-o-Matic, although the Blip name remained on the case.

 TOMY - Blip aka Blip-o-Mat
Sold by: TOMY, worldwide
Produced by: TOMY (KU), Made in Japan, 1977
Mechanical, wind-up timer mechanism, LED
ON/OFF Alimentacion switch
Puntuacionboard, Timer wind-up timer mechanism
SERVE Pulsadores (manual)
2 - AA Pilas


Tomy Blip french


Tomy Digital Derby


Formula 1
Black Racer en Japon
Palitoy Demon Driver
Digital Derby

2 C Batteries
Model# 7034

Tomy Digital Diamond


Juego de Baeball electromecanico, similar al Blip.
Dos jugadores, uno maneja el bate y otro al pitcher
Como las pilas solo sirven para la luz que indica cuando el bate le da a la pelota, se puede jugar hasta sin ellas.

 1978, LED/Mechanical, 2 AA Batteries, Model# 7052
U. S. Patent # 4,240,632
Invented by: Hiroyuki Watanabe (Tokyo) (according to the patent)


Tomy Electronic Formula 1


2 C Batteries
Model# 7034

Tomy Galaxian

Tomy Lights Alive

Tomy Moto Cross Meccatronic


Tomy Digital Daredevil / Eddie Kidds Stunt Bike / Moto Cross / Black Rider

2 C Batteries
Model# 7081

Tomy Teacher


Tomy Terra-Hit


Me regalaron este juego de Bazar Fesi ... duro tres días y por supuesto no me lo quiso cambiar.

Torpedo Attack

Valtoy Electric Tennis


Valtoy Electric Tennis blanco


Valtoy Futbol y Tennis Electric


Waco 21 Black Jack

Waco 21 Black Jack 1972

Waco 21 Black Jack Computer

Waco Comput-A-Dice


dados electrónicos

Waco Draw Poker

Waco Draw Poker Table Model

Waco Electro Horse Race

Waco Electro TicTacToe


Aunque Wacos Electronic Tic-Tac-Toe no es una consola de mano, si que represento el camino a seguir hasta la creación de estos dispositivos.
Como todo origen, hay discrepancias sobre si puede considerarse o no el primer juego electrónico.
Tiene luces pero realmente no hay una lógica interna contra la que deba enfrentarse un jugador.

Waco Electro TicTacToe Timer


revisión con temporizador

Yonezawa Screen Soccer

Yonezawa Screen Tennis Game

Yonezawa Screen Tennis Game Japan