video games gallery from the last century

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VHSVideo Games

    Consoles:30     Art

Action GT Video Driver


Versión europea distribuida por Action GT.

Action Max


Otra consola basada en un reproductor VHS

.38 Ambush Alley (police target range)
Blue Thunder (based on the eponymous 1983 motion picture)
Hydrosub: 2021 (futuristic underwater voyage)
The Rescue of Pops Ghostly (comic haunted-house adventure)
Sonic Fury (aerial combat; bundled with system)

 Software Integrado None
Mandos Light Pistola
CPU HD401010
Tamaño/Peso 13” x 7
Puertos de entrada/salida Puntuacion signal output, VHS VCR output, Alimentacion in, headphone output, light Pistola connector
Almacenamiento VHS tapes !
Número de juegos 5
Fuente de alimentación 4 x C Pilas or external PSU (9v, 500 mA)
Precio about 99$

Bandai Televikko


Uno de los cartuchos-vhs contiene un capítulo inédito de Goku

Bandai Televikko Deuxieme


Bandai Video Challenger


Captain Power Anti-Personnel Patroller


Captain Power Dread Stalker


Captain Power Interlocker


Captain Power Phantom Striker


Captain Power Power Base


Captain Power Power On Energizer


Captain Power Powerjet XT-7 Fighter


Captain Power Trans-Field Base Station


Captain Power Trans-Field Communication Station


Connor Videosmarts


GiG Video Challenger


Hasbro Nemo Control-Vision

The Control-Vision (originally codenamed NEMO) is an unreleased video game console developed by Tom Zito. It is notable for using VHS tapes rather than ROM cartridges, prompting the creation of game content which survived on into much more advanced CD-ROM platforms.

LaserTour Perceptronics


The LaserTour by Perceptronics utilizes the magic of microelectronics to create a totally new concept of surrogate travel as you exercise.
The LaserTour is a unique microcomputer system that amalgamates a superior, industrial quality LaserDisc player with a video disc, a 45 inches rear screen video projector, and the Lifecycle electronic bicycle/aerobic trainer.

Mattel Captain Power


A line of toys and interactive television games were released by Mattel. Some ships and playsets, when firing at the screen, could interact with various segments of the Saturday morning TV program.

The first interactive toy and game for the series was a toy XT-7 jet with a video cassette. There were three tapes: Future Force Training, Bio-Dread Strike Mission, and Raid On Volcania. The tapes featured live introduction and end segments with the cast of the television show. The actual mission itself was animated and took place in the jet cockpit from the first-person point of view of the pilot/player. Players would hold the toy jet and face the screen. The toy was actually a sort of light gun that responded to signals from the television playing the tape. The toy jet would get points by firing at appropriate targets on the screen and lose points when the sensor on the jet got hit. Upon reaching zero points, the cockpit would eject automatically. Since the game was only a VHS tape, the missions always played out the same way. The toy could also interact with the live action television broadcast in the same manner. Other interactive objects in this series were the Phantom Stryker Bio-Dread ship, the Interlocker Throne for Lord Dread, which consisted of a stationary tank on a tripod and an optional target viewer that could be taken on and off, and the Power On platform, which the user could plug the Captain Power figure into. Whenever the transformation was triggered on screen or the base was fired at by one of the other vehicles, the toy would immediately trigger the Power On sequence causing the chest of the figure to glow.

The toys also had the ability to interact with each other, similar to the Laser Tag toys popular at the time. When played in this way, each toy had a limited number of hit points, but any points earned by playing against the television show increased this total.

In 1988, a second and slightly more scarce series was released.

Mattel SeeNSay Video Phone


Memorex VIS


Tandy Memorex Visual Information System (VIS) es un reproductor de CD-ROM interactuvo creado por Tandy Corporation en 1982.
El funcionamiento es similar al CDi de Philips o el Commodore CDTV, má concretamente a este último, ya que ambos tienen su origen en un ordenador que se ha consolizado.
Se vendió solo en los establecimientos at Radio Shack, bajo en sello Memorex, que en aquel momento pertenecían a Tandy.

Modular Windows es una versión especial de Windows 3.1 diseñada para ejecutarse en el Tandy VIS

 CPU: Intel 286
Video System: Cirrus Logic
Sonido System: Yamaha
Chipset: NCR Corporation
CDROM x2 IDE by Mitsumi
OS: Microsoft Modular Windows
Additional details:[3]
80286-12 processor on a local bus (not ISA) running at 12 MHz. 0-wait states. Equivalent PC performance somewhere around that of a 386SX-16 or 20.
1 MB of ROM containing minimal MS-DOS 3.x, a few drivers, and Modular Windows(TM).
Built-in Audio CD player application.
1 MB of RAM in a conventional PC layout 640 KB + 384 KB.
Mitsumi 1x (150 kB/s) CD-ROM drive with 16-bit interface, 800 ms access, 1300 ms worst case access, CD+G capable, but not Photo-CD. 5000 hour MTBF.
IR interface with up to two IR transmitters (hand controllers) operating at once.
PS/2 mouse or keyboard interface (either can be connected and are generally recognized by applications). A wired hand controller could also be
connected to this port for use in locations where the wireless controller was not practical, or could be used in conjunction with one wireless
Expansion compartment for RS-232 serial board for use with Windows debugger.
Modem (the same modem card that went in the Tandy Sensation I) could also be installed in the VIS. 2400 data 4800 send-only FAX.
Outputs: RCA Line left/right, composite video, RF video, S-Video. NTSC video.
Dallas Semiconductor plug-in CyberCard - removable non-volatile storage, in sizes up to 512 kB and system comes with 32 kB unit.
Onboard audio is same as Tandy Sensation I: Adlib Gold compatible, not Sonido Blaster compatible.
Video uses ADAC-1 chip as found in Tandy Sensation I, supports YUV and several high-quality color modes. Also supported some TV-specific features
for handling overscan.

Sega Video Driving System


La Video Driver es una curiosa consola diseñada por Sega a finales de los 80.
Consiste en un dispositivo que se acopla al televisor, y mueve un pequeño coche mientras en pantalla reproduce una película VHS con diferentes pistas.

California Chase
Police Pursuit
Road Racer - ハラハラツーリング

Takara Video Challenger


Tiger Battlevision


Tyco Video Driver


Versión distribuida en Estados Unidos por Tyco.

California Chase
Police Pursuit
Road Racer

VHSVideo Games


VTech Videosmarts


Video Challenger


Video Challenger es un jugueta producido por Takara (ahora Takara Tomy) en 1987.
Usa una película VHS especial que permite a los jugadores disparar con una pistola óptica.

El objetivo del juego es ver cuantos blancos se hacen hasta que se termina la película.
La Famicom y la PC Engine mataron esta consola.

Space Challenge (juego incluido)
Thunder Storm (Data East)
Road Blaster (Data East)
Godzilla Challenger 1 and 2
Sky Wars (Original de Publisher Select Merchandise Inc.)
After Burner II (Sega)
Turtle Challenge (basado en la Tortugas Ninja)

View Master Interactive Vision


View-Master Interactive Vision e una consola interactiva basada en un reproductor de video VHS, creada en 1988 por View-Master Ideal Group, Inc.

Lo interesate de esta máquina es que hace que te sientas parte de la película.
Los juegos disponibles incluyen cuatro títulos de Barrio Sésamo y dos de Muppet Show, además de otros juegos de Disney.

Zapit Game Wave


Zap-it creó esta consola basada en un reproductor de DVD.
Incluye cuatro mandos, y todos los juegos, tipo trivia o puzle eran para dos o más jugadores.

4 degrees vol 1 (Trivia)
4 degrees vol 2 (Trivia)
4 degrees Bible (Trivia)
Rewind (Trivia)
Rewind 2006 (Trivia)
Rewind 2007 (Trivia)
Lock 5 (puzzle game)
Zap 21 (Blackjack & card games)
Letter Zap (Letter game)
Click! (Hangman/Wheel of Fortune type)
Gems (Columns)

 Processor Type Processor Speed Other Processor Information RAM Video RAM
Mediamatics 8611 Unknown Altera Max II CPLD 16 MB SRAM
Screen Resolution Color Palette Polygons Sprites Audio
480p, 480i, 720p, 720i, 1080i 24-bit Unknown 2 Channel D/A Full Stereo
Media Format Media Capacity Games Released Other Supported Formats
DVD 4.0 GB 13 None
Internal Storage External Removable Storage Game Controllers Other Game Peripheral Devices
2 MB NOR Flash RAM None IR Keypad Remotes None
Controller Ports Network Ports Other Ports Audio Video
Up to 6 IR remotes None None Composite, S-Video
Power Supply - Internal Other Outputs Other Details Notes
AC 120V/240V, 50-60Hz None None